

In Uncategorized on September 12, 2008 at 2:02 am

See…. Biologically, we will live to about 100 years.  If we are lucky..or unlucky, depending on how you look at it. During this living years, we can avoid all impurities or additives to our bodies and minds.  However, we will still only last for this roughly estimated time.  Just because we go to bed early, brush our teeth, etc etc, it does not mean that we will live til 200.

So I concluded to myself that it is how we live our lives that matter.  As long as we are happy and we don’t hurt others (too often), we will be living to our fullest.  Happy thoughts are important after all.

Oh ya…before I forgot.  Daphne:  If you are reading this, I would like to inform you that there is a Hello Kitty Specialty shop that just open opposite my place.  Near to the 7-11 store.  Since you have gone away from the world, thought its easier to just let you know here.  Please send my regards to Elvis.

  1. Daph is back to earth.

    Yes I missed you too. *hugs*

    And if you pass by the Helo Kitty shop, please try to find it in your heart, out of the love you have for me, to walk in & check if they have the small hello kitty frying pan. The type that will get you Hello Kitty shaped pancakes! 🙂

  2. Oh and by the way, Elvis says Hi back… 😛

  3. So that all of you know… She aeroplaned me again last thursday. I waited the whole evening for her to call to let me know where and when dinner was. Blardy A380… Crashed and Burn…

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